Unix and Linux Systems


Today a consortium of hardware and software vendors announced
that they will be funding a non-profit organization that will
design and offer monthly security challenges similar to the
one that recently discovered a major problem in OS X. Anthony Lawrence, the newly appointed
Director of Operations for this organization, explained that
the motives of the funding companies aren't entirely altruistic:

Actually, they all realize that there are mutual benefits. So much
software exists across multiple platforms that an exploit on one
platform probably exists on another. Even if it doesn't, the
concept of the exploit may point out danger points in other operating

We hope that there may be other benefits. Because we are offering
large cash prizes for demonstrated exploits, our hope us that at
least some black hat hackers might be persuaded to augment their
income by winning these contests rather than using their knowledge
for illegal purposes. Even if that doesn't happen, many underground,
"zero day" exploits will surely be brought to light by these

The challenges will be held monthly and will have prizes running
from $5,000 to $50,000.00. All manner of hardware and operating systems
will be included, from iPhones and Blackberries right up through
supercomputers. Precise rules and the prizes offered will be published
a month ahead and each contest will run until the prize is won, so
Mr. Lawrence expects that there may be multiple contests running concurrently
at one point. The contests will be similar to other contests where
the prize for a "hands off" hack is higher than those that involve
user involvement.

There's another slant to these contests: the "Duh Awards" for
lapses that should not have happened
. These are tongue-in-cheek
awards to companies and individuals who make egregious security slips or repeat
the same mistake again. Lawrence explained that these are supposed
to be in a spirit of fun ("We all make dumb mistakes sometimes", he noted)
but also hopefully will provide extra incentive to be careful in code.

The first contest is expected to be announced in July of this year.
Lawrence explained that because of the number of companies involved and
their generous commitment to improving security, the available
prize pool exceeds $100,000 per month.. "That should be enough to
attract plenty of interest", he opined.

Yes, it is April first. But wouldn't this actually be a wonderful

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I think this is a very clever idea: JackPot Rewards is a discount shopping club ($3 weekly)
that blends on-line discounts with a weekly lottery.

I took a look at this and I thought the stores and prices offered
were reasonable - probably NOT worth $3 a week by itself (though
the "Deal of the Day" stuff has been very attractive), but then there's
that lottery aspect: we spend $2-$3 a week on lottery tickets now,
and often forget to buy them, or worse forget to check them. Yes,
of course it's a waste of money given the odds, but on the other hand..

Well, you get the point. I think a lot of people might just go for
this idea, and I suspect that this isn't the end of it: we'll be
seeing more of this kind of thing.

Only a few hundred people were members when the first lottery ran:
that was pretty good odds. Of course there will be thousands and
thousands by now, but it still might be better odds than State
Lotteries.. and of course if you just take the free trial and
cancel before they charge you, well, you invested nothing at all.
Those odds are even better..

I don't know if we'll keep it (probably not), but we'll try it out for a month
and see how we feel.. I left that up to my wife, Professional Shopper
and Certified Bargain Hunter - if she finds it to be worth the charge,
it really is. If not, she'll chop it off like a piece of gristle
on the chicken she's cutting up for lunch - no doubt about that.

My point here is not to advertise this site, but simply to
point out the cleverness of the idea. I showed this to a
customer who is starting to get into Internet retailing - he had
the same reaction I did: "Oooh, I wish *I* had thought of that!".

However, any good idea is bound to get over-used. If consumers
do find this attractive (real consumers, like my wife, not dilettantes
like me), clones will spring up and soon you won't be able to
sell anything on line unless you also offer a lottery. Note:
lotteries tend to get more popular in tough economic times, so
our present monetary troubles could add to this if it does
become a trend.

Oh, one more thing: I can almost guarantee that signing up for this
will increase your spam level. Use a disposable email address if you
are tempted. Oh, and of course you can also take advantage of
the "no purchase necessary" clauses that all U.S. lotteries require - though
if postage keeps going up that isn't exactly a free ride either.

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If you install the Xcode Tools from your OS X CD, you get a lot of
free development tools, and you also get the "setfile" and "getfileinfo"
utilities. These can set or display a number of HFS+ file attributes
that you may not have even known existed. Some of these seem to
be either unimplemented or are perhaps for use only by certain
programs, but two (visibility and locking) are useful for our use.


You can do this from the "Get Info" dialog also, but the
command line method is "setfile -a L filename". After doing
that, a "getfileinfo" will show a capital "L" in its listing:

getfileinfo lockme
file: "/Users/apl/Desktop/lockme"
type: ""
creator: ""
attributes: avbstcLinmedz
created: 03/21/2008 15:21:51
modified: 03/21/2008 15:21:51

A locked file is safe from accidental removal:

rm lockme
override rw-r--r-- apl/apl uchg for lockme? y
rm: lockme: Operation not permitted

However, that means you can no longer edit it, too, so you don't
want to do this to files you need to change often.


You can make a file invisible to Finder by using the "V" flag:

$ setfile -a V noseeum
$ getfileinfo noseeum
file: "/Users/apl/Desktop/noseeum"
type: ""
creator: ""
attributes: aVbstclinmedz
created: 03/21/2008 15:36:01
modified: 03/21/2008 15:36:01

Note that if a file is locked, you can't set this or any other
attribute until you unlock it ("setfile -a l filename"). Even
if you have set V, the file remains visible to "ls" in Terminal
and will be visible even in Finder unless AppleShowAllFiles is
"No" in your Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist (that
is the default, but you may have changed it). If you do need
to change this back, you can use the Property List Editor from
/Developer/Applications/Utilities, or just do this in Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles No

Or just vi the plist file directly - it's plain text.

You'd need to relaunch Finder (Apple Menu,Force Quit, choose Finder and
click "Relaunch") for that change to take effect.

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A chirpily enthusiastic blurb on the morning news
convinced me to go take a look at Hulu, which
in turn cheerfully promises:

Watch your favorites. Anytime. For free.

Hulu offers U.S. consumers a vast selection of premium video content, on demand, free and ad-supported: full episodes of TV shows, both current and classic, full-length movies, thousands of clips, and much more.

Except they don't. They offer a few episodes of popular shows, a few
clips from new movies, and not much else. I won't be going back..

If they really had everything - and I mean EVERYTHING, because
disk space is dirt cheap - this would be something worth paying for. Of
course I want the same thing from my FIOS "on demand" service - I don't
want to choose from what they want to offer this month - I want to watch
what I want to watch when I want to watch it, on TV or at my computer.

Speaking of that, when are the content providers like Comcast and
Verizon going to attach the Internet to my TV and give me a bluetooth
keyboard and mouse to control it all with? I WANT the Internet in
a PIP window so that I can look up things while watching TV and
ideally I'd like to send my own computer's screen to it. Tell me
how hard this would be for Verizon or Comcast: everything goes through the same router already: all it needs is an open VNC connection to my machine and the
aforementioned disk farm.. there's absolutely NOTHING technically difficult

Do that, and I'll happily pay for it, either on an "as viewed" basis or
by some "content bundle" pricing. But if they want me to willingly part
with more money, they need to give me EVERYTHING..

Well, maybe someday..

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I'm sure you've read about the Mac security challenge debacle.. if not,
Ars Technica has a good writeup.

It turns out that it's actually a QuickTime flaw and more
specifically a QuickTime Java flaw.. or so they seem to be saying now.

There's been a lot of confusion, with some blogs mixing in the two
year old Mac Mini challenge and confusing that with this. That challenge
involved giving the attacker a user account to work from; this one was
done indirectly through a web page.

Of course some Windows folks are cheering wildly, but that's silly:
most Mac fans are happy the bug was found and will be fixed. I wish they'd
do this kind of thing more often: Apple, Microsoft, and everybody else
with an interest in improving our Internet world should be ponying up
prize money so that this kind of testing could be done every month. That
could only improve life for everyone, right?

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The first few times I saw this, I thought I was just mistaken..
but it's happened so many times now I know it's not me, this
is really happening: older Firefox pages reappear if I Alt-TAB
away and then return to Firefox.

It's Gmail where I can most easily notice this, so it MAY
have something to do with Ajax, but I THINK I've seen it on
other pages too (confirmed: I just saw it on another page). It's pretty weird: let's say I've opened
up in the morning to twenty unread Gmail messages. I read
and delete 15 of them, then Alt-TAB off to do something else..
but when I come back, the messages I read or deleted show up as though I had never touched them. They really aren't: a "refresh" shows
the correct view instantly, but it's quite confusing.

I know, you probably think I'm nuts - or have two Gmail
windows open. It's definitely not the latter, and I don't think
that taking my wife's appraisal of my mental state is valid. Really: this happens.

It MAY have something to do with Parallels: it seems like it happens more often if I've Alt-TABbed there.. but it's not repeatable - I've not found anyway to demonstrate this consistently.

Anybody else ever seen this? It might have something to do with running the
Firefox 3 Beta too - I'm not sure if this started just after loading that..

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Apple Insider reported that Mac grabbed 14% of U.S. Retail Sales in February.

It's only going to get better: Morgan Stanley says 40% of college students plan to buy Macs.

Excuse me while I do my little "I told you so" dance.

If you'll follow that first link, you'll also learn that fourteen percent
represented twenty five percent of the dollar volume - yes, twenty five
percent, all for Apple. The snowball is growing..

Have you ever been in an Apple store? There are more and more of them
popping up, so there is probably one near you. Just go take a peek:
every time I've been to one it has been packed with people.. of course
a lot of that is iPods and the like, but the 'puters are selling too.

And why? Because people are fed up with Microsoft and they are
afraid of Linux. Because people who aren't afraid of Linux realize they
can have both on one very nice machine. Because even places like
PC Magazine are recognizing the superiority of Leopard over anything
else out there.

Wait.. I have to do that little dance again.. sorry, it will just
take a minute.

Apple is going to continue to pull market share from Microsoft (and
so is Linux). Why? Because they make a better product. A better OS,
yes, but also better hardware to run it on. Sexier hardware, better engineered hardware. No doubt the Windows fanboys hate that, but it's true:
Apple innovates, and everyone else copies.

One more dance? I promise no giggling during this one..

Another long time Windows fan has switched: 50 Reasons to Switch from Microsoft Windows to Apple's Mac OS X (Chris Pirillo) - you are going to see this more and more..

A recent Information Week article doesn't even question the issue. They
ask Which Apple Should You Pick? and say:

Apple's product lineup is clear, logical, and targeted at distinct types of users and uses. The entire product line is one of the strongest Apple's ever had. Without hyperbole, it may be the best overall line of computers anyone has had, ever -- there's not a bad Apple among the bunch, and some are truly superb.

Seriously now: you don't own a Mac yet? What's stopping you?

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I'm beginning to really hate the old SCO systems that
are left out there. However, when they call with a problem,
I have to help, right? Well of course I do. But I can't
help cringing sometimes..

This call was from a Boston client who honestly is trying
to get off this creaking old boat. They can't seem to find
off the shelf software that will meet their needs, but they
have hired some company to write them a new app. Unfortunately
it will be Windows, but that is what it is, right? Anyway,
while the app development proceeds, the old SCO has to keep running.
Early on a Friday morning, it stopped.

Well, not exactly. It stopped letting people log in. People
who were already logged in could work, but recieved a message
described to me as "something like 'system database not allocated'"

Well, OK - normally I'd complain and say "Please give me the EXACT
message you saw", but for this I knew it had to be something
in the TCB (Trusted Computing Base) being messed up. SCO has
built in tools to examine and even fix up minor problems, so
I felt I might be able to lead someone through fixing it,
but on the other hand this stuff can sometimes get nasty so I
wasn't sure. I had another problem too: I had to be somewhere else
in fifteen minutes and I wouldn't be able to talk anyone through
anything until I was done with that.

"How many people are still logged in?", I asked.


Well, heck, that's not so bad. It's Friday, a slow day for them
as it is for most businesses, and they only usually have about
twelve or so people working on that system anyway. I asked if
they could limp along for a few hours. Yes, they could.. but
please hurry.

So I went off to my meeting, but couldn't help thinking about
how I'd approach this problem. Most likely, I could just have
them run "integrity" to get a list of damaged files and restore
them from backup. Most likely..

That's assuming the backup is good, of course. What if the backup
has messed up files or the problem is really somewhere else? I
can look at a tcb file and know what I'm looking at, but it
would just be gobbledy-gook to the person at their end, so I'd
have to get them to print things and fax them to me.. yuck. I
shortly convinced myself that it was better to go in to the job.

After finishing up my other business, I called and explained that.
I said that I probably could fix this over the phone, but I was
a little hesitant because it could get nasty, and I'd rather just
come in. The people at the other end immediately agreed: they really
didn't want to be led through anything anyway. By the way: they
were now down to two people working because the other two had
"accidentally" logged out.. no, I don't know how you "accidentally"
log out either.

An hour later I was there. I ran "integrity: and it pointed
to /etc/auth/system/default as the problem. I looked at
it and found it zero length.. how could that happen?
That file should look something like this:


I've never seen a system glitch just zero that, so I was suspicious.

"Who's got root?"

It was a short list.

"I think somebody mean to clear something else and somehow cleared this.. or.."

The "or" would be file system corruption. Possible, but no other indicationss of that. Nothing in "syslog" or "messages" indicating any other problems.
I restored the file from backup and people immdeiately could log in. I
watched log files for any other problem and ran "integrity" again. No

I hung out a while checking this and that.. nothing seemed odd, so
I really think someone had to have done this by mistake.. I have no
idea what they thought they were doing.. it couldn't have been
sabotage because it was too limited.. surely anyone wanting to
cause damage would have done more.. well, I would think so anyway.

So that's where I left it. I'll check in on it a few times over the
next week, but I really don't think there is anything wrong.. just
an "accident".

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Oh, I do get grumpy. You'll hear this on the radio and TV: "Just go to www.foobar.com backslash special offer!".. and, curmudgeon that I am,
I start yelling "It's not a backslash, you bleeping idiot!"

That's embarassing. People stare at me - especially since
they, deluded by Windows and reinforced by constant repetition
in media, likely are quite sure that "/" is indeed a backslash - duh!

I really need to learn to just keep my mouth shut. If conveniently
near an Internet connected computer I could quickly show them the error
of their belief, but even then I've seen people shrug their shoulders
and insist that "\" is a slash.. if Mighty Microsoft says
so, it must be true, right? But, but, I splutter, Microsoft
says no such thing. For example I submit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/870839 which plainly
explains a bug in Microsoft Excel thusly:

When you open a Microsoft Excel for Windows workbook in Microsoft
Excel 2004 for Mac, the yen character may appear as a backslash

See? Even Microsoft knows what a backslash is.

It could be worse. If they say "Log in to www.foobar.com backslash special offer!" I turn purple. Of course it's always possible that you really will
have to log in that site, but I doubt it. No doubt the people that write
this junk think it's cool computer talk, but it of course it really
isn't: it's dumb, I don't know beans about computers talk. And again
it causes people to look at me like I'm the crazy one.. well, ok, maybe
I was shouting a little..

Then there's the security stuff. Last night I watched an old NCIS
episode.. just happened to flip into it as the boss told some young lass
that she needed to break into a Pentagon computer. I'm not sure what the
point of all this was, but soon that woman and another man were hacking
away at their keyboards and the screen was full of hexadecimal dumps
interspersed with blinking red "Access Denied!" lines. Oh yeah,
I'm sure that's how the Pentagon does it - plain old passwords. And I'm sure they'd let you keep guessing as long as you like, too. Those
attempts wouldn't attract any attention at all.. yeah, right.

Oh, TV can be so annoying.. I don't know why I bother yelling
at it when no one is here to "shush" me.

Finally, I don't like blurred out logos, expecially when I can
tell from the keyboard or the screen that yes, it is a Mac. What's
the point of that blurriness over the Apple logo on the back of the cover?
You tried to get them to pay for it appearing and they said "no" so
you spitefully blur it out? Is that the reason? Or is it some incredibly
dumb legal thing? I'd like to know.. in the meantime I'll just
keep shouting "I KNOW that's a Mac, idiot!".. why are you looking
at me like there's something wrong with ME? I'm not the one who
doesn't know what a backslash is, dammit!

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Ok, you are a switcher. You used to be a Windows user, but you've
seen the light and moved to Linux or Mac OS X or BSD or.. well,
whatever it is, you are in *x land, baby and we're glad you are here.
But just like moving into a new town, you need to learn your way around,
find out where things are and how they work.. you need to get yourself
oriented, right?

OK, first things first. There is a book. As I don't know what
you might have switched to or from, I can't be specific here, but
I guarantee you there is a book. I've reviewed a lot (I mean a LOT)
if *xish books at "/Books" here, so you might
want to poke through some of those, but if you don't find it, that
doesn't mean it doesn't exist - I just haven't read it. It is out there,
and you probably should read it.

But having done that, what next? You are competent now, you know
how the Window system works, you know where to find the admin tools,
but how does this puppy really work? Here are a few things I do:

Hunt for shell scripts

A surprising amount of *xish stuff is written as simple shell
scripts. I found one hundred in /usr/bin on my Mac OS X box, and
more than that in /usr/bin on my Linux server. Here's the thing
about those scripts: they can teach you stuff. Stuff about programming
shell scripts, definitely, but also stuff about how the system works
in general. Here's a little script that will find those scripts for you:

set $PATH
for i in $*
file $i/* | grep "Bourne shell"

Note: your "file" may not return "Bourne shell script text executable"
as both my Linux and Mac systems do. That's OK, just figure out how it
does identify scripts and grep for that instead.

I am curiously tabbing

And so should you. If you have bash and are using it as your
default shell, try this: type "t" (or any other letter) and hit TAB
twice. Ooops, what was that? Well, just a look at every command in
your PATH that begins with "t", that's all. Do you know what each of
them does? No? Then let's try to find out - for example, on Linux
or Mac, you'll find "tack". What is it? Well, "man tack" will
tell you that it's a "Terminfo Action Checker" and if at this point you
know nothing about "terminfo", that might prompt you to try
"man terminfo" or "pinfo terminfo" (and you might read Termcap and Terminfo here also). There's
no telling where poking around with TAB might lead you.

Strings and stuff

Sometimes "man" and "pinfo" will let you down. "We regret to inform
you that we have no information available for your inquiry" - well,
no, they aren't quite that polite, but they aren't going to help you.
Maybe oversight, maybe it's just not something you need to know about..
but hey, maybe it's a shell script! Often undocumented little thingamabobbies
are shell scripts, and if so, looking at it in an editor might help
give you a clue. If not, don't panic. Sometimes it's a link to
some other command. Use "ls -li" to find out how many links it has -
if it's more than one, go find its clones with "find". Let's say we find
something with two links and then "ls -li" tells us that its inum is 56789.
If its twin is right here in this directory, you'll find it almost
instantly with "find . -inum 56789". If not, you'll need to
expand farther, searching the current filesystem for that same number.

But maybe it isn't a link and isn't a shell script. Well, sometimes
Google can help figure out what it might be, but so can some tools
right on your machine : doing "strings mysteryfile" can sometimes give
you a clue (hint: "strings `which mysteryfile`" is quick if you aren't
already sitting where this lives). Often just a simple "mysteryfile -?"
will spit out a help or usage message. But maybe it's very stubborn?

Well, if this is a Linux system that uses RPM, there is a secret weapon you can use:

rpm -q --whatprovides `which mysteryfile`"

Note that this little line is also very useful when you know something needs updating - it tells you which RPM you need to go find.

There's something similar for apt based systems:

dpkg -S `which mysteryfile`

Source it

Not always possible, of course, but you MIGHT have the source for
this little bugger. Try a "find / -name mysteryfile.c" if Google
hasn't been helpful. This has lttle to do with learning *x, but
I've gotten lucky with mystery applications more than once - the
long absent original programmer had been kind enough to leave source that
I could find.

Step it

If all else fails, try running it in a debugger. You'll need
to know a bit about system calls and all, and when I earlier suggested
running "mysterfile -?" you surely wouldn't want to do that as root?
Well, you wouldn't want to do this as root either - just in case.

Give up?

No, not quite yet. There's two more possibilities. The first
is trying "ldd" to see if the library dependencies might give us
a hint. If not, my final clutch is to see if this file is referenced
in any other binary or script.. that may involve a bit of work with
"strings" and "grep", but once in a great while I have found
good clues from this.

And finally: break it

If all other wells have turned up dry, I have one more trick up
my sleeve: rename the darn thing and see what breaks. That's pretty
drastic, but if you've been through everything else, it's
unlikely that this is system critical. Renaming it will obviously
break something, somewhere, although it may take you quite a while
to find out what. If it really is important, you'll find out
pretty quickly - maybe from a phone call if other folks
use this system too, maybe from a message in a log file.. but you'll find it.

And then you'll know what it does, right? Isn't learning fun?

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I'm looking for some reader input here: we're planning a little
cross country trip later this year (we figure on going once
gasoline gets REALLY expensive) and I'm going to need Internet
access if I hope to make any money while we're breathing diesel

So: at this moment I'm thinking Verizon ($60 a month for a two
year contract.. oh well..) and either the Novatel Wireless USB727 or
the Aircard 595U. Any experience y'all have with Nationwide access
with these, erizon or anything else would be deeply appreciated.

USB is best for me because we'll be packing both my MacBook and my
wife's sorry Acer PC and I'm not buying a card for each of them..
this vacation is going to cost enough already and while I at least
have occasional use for wireless access, my wife's computer ordinarily
never leaves the house.

So: comments and suggestions appreciate, thanks in advance.

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Michael Desrosiers

This month's topic is Security Information Management (SIM) solutions, and
some of the emerging security information management options that are
available with them.

It all started with a couple of security log management applications. Pulling
log data from switches, routers, firewalls, and databases may seem a fairly
mundane activity, but it's also become a very critical one. Now it seems,
SIM vendors are ready to take over your entire enterprise. IBM, Symantec,
TriGeo, LogRhythm, EMC Focuses enVision, ArcSight and eiQnetworks to name a
few, have all thrown their hats into the ring. Why is SIM, a market that
appeared to be all but dead at the end of 2006, suddenly so hot again? And
what should you or your organization know about this solution?

After several years of focusing on compliance and breach management, many
Fortune 1000 types are now looking to automate compliance and cut costs. At
the same time, many businesses are looking for ways to assess the costs and
the benefits of security, leading to a new emphasis on risk management. Risk
Management has replaced compliance as the action item that organizations are
talking about, regarding IT security. And this is the precise area that SIM
tools are uniquely qualified to handle and assist you with.

Some of the vendors are even stretching risk and compliance management into
the much broader concept of IT governance and the establishment, monitoring,
and enforcement of IT and business policies across the entire enterprise. The
acronym GRC (governance, risk, and compliance), has become a hot buzzword not
only in security, but in business. Some of the larger vendors, including IBM,
have created business units dedicated solely to GRC. SIM tools, which evolved
from the old system log file analysis applications still used by many security
pros, have the ability to track, store, and analyze data about "events" in the
enterprise network. Historically, SIM products have been used primarily to
detect and determine the source of suspicious behavior in enterprise systems,
but many vendors have extended that capability to include detection of any
policy violation, including compliance and non-security events.

Other vendors are positioning their SIM products with less features, but with
greater depth. Arcsight, for example, is adding the ability to not only track
events in the enterprise, but also to identify the business role of the person
who initiates them. With this approach in mind you are not just viewing
security events, but are tracking new compliance problems, and will also do
some benchmarking on how the organization is performing against your existing
policies and asset controls. A roles based approach helps the organization
monitor not just how its systems are doing, but how its employees are
currently using those assets. Still other emerging security management
solutions work more at the lower end, helping administrators to set and
enforce policies at the perimeter endpoint.

So with so many divergent approaches to SIM and security management, here
are some simple tips for a solution that fits your needs. The one that you
will choose will depend on which of those functions you will need the most.

1) Look for a tool that can help set policy;

2) Look for a solution that can enforce that policy;

3) Find a way that the SIM can analyze it;

4) And most importantly, find a tool that can monitor it.

Some platforms will likely be used primarily for setting and enforcing anti
malware and malicious software policies in workstations, which will be strong
in identity management and access management. Traditional SIM tools that do
event management and log file analysis, on the other hand, are better at
monitoring and measuring policy compliance and risk. Tools that do real time
event reporting and correlation can be very useful for monitoring your
environment, while tools that do more historical analysis might be more
helpful for measurement of compliance, or for predicting future trends that
might indicate you're about to go out of compliance. In either case SIM tools
work best as a means for benchmarking an organization's performance against
security policies, rather than as a means of warning the company of new or
potential threats against it.

There you have it. Many organizations are looking towards SIM technology to
protect their corporate assets and streamline their IT operations. Beyond
technology installations however, deploying a SIM involves an overall
operational challenge that cannot be ignored. This will drive what controls
are required to manage these risks in compliance with the level of diligence
that is required by the organization. The original intent of SIM tools, were
that they would help you spot threats in real time. That conceptual ability
did not quite work out. But if you look at them as a way to monitor and
measure your current policy compliance, they can do even more.

To view more articles:


or to inquire about an on-site presentation, please feel free to call me at
508-995-4933 or email me at mdesrosiers@m3ipinc.com.

Michael Desrosiers

Founder & Principal Consultant

m3ip, Inc.

We Manage Risk, So You Can Manage Your Business





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"_self">Index by Subject

  • David Pogue

  • O'Reilly

  • 9780596514129

This book is very simpilar to The Missing Manual: Mac OSX Leopard Edition - much of the directly Mac related content is exactly the same in both books.
However, it's not just a cover change and a few paragraphs artufully
inserted: there is Windows switching information available here that
is NOT in the other book.

I think David and O'Reilly would have been smarter to set out to make
this two really separate books from the start. Certainly both these
books are too big: if you stripped all the Windows stuff out of the first
and stripped all the basic "this is how a Mac works" stuff out of this, you'd
have two volumes of more reasonable size. However, that's not what they
did, so there is a lot of duplication. If you are just a Mac user, you need
the other book, not this. If you are a recent switcher, this is the book
you want.. though you may want the other also as this does not have everything
that has..

This is the book I will give my wife once her XP PC finally dies - I
have high hopes for that: it's been shutting off unexpectedly and
making grinding noises now and then. The minute it does, I'm buying
her a Mac and handing her this book.. that will be a happy day indeed.

She'll enjoy the book, too. David writes well, keeps it interesting and
amusing, and knows how to explain semi-technical subjects well.

"126" height="32" alt="graphic of book cover" /> Order (or just read more about) The Missing Manual: Switching to the Mac  from Amazon.com

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Apple's 3.1 release of Safari is available for download now (Mac or Windows, don't ask me why they don't put out a Linux version). It's advertised as "The fastest web browser on any platform", and
I'm not going to argue the point - it certainly snaps right up ready for
work much faster than Firefox on Mac, coming to life after two dock bounces versus six for Firefox.. on Windows the story was the same: about six seconds
for either Firefox or IE to be up and running, less than three seconds for

Once running, Safari continues to be quick: http://aplawrence.com/oneday.html loads in about 70% of
the time Firefox needs. However, for ordinary pages without humongous
tables or other big stuff to load, any difference is too small to notice.
I suppose that as so many web pages are morbidly obese nowadays, you might
actually gain a significant amount of time over the course of a day
of browsing.

But does fast mean everything? On Mac, Safari displays on odd glitch:
the little FeedBurner icons that display in the left sidebar here are
invisible with Safari. They do show up with the Windows version though..
very odd. Other than that, I couldn't find anything wrong, and it
passed the Acid2 test
on both platforms.

There are other Safari oddities: no toolbars, for example. And this
odd "snapback" thing which they think is incredibly useful but I just
don't see it.. fine, yes, it could be useful now and then but I
can't imagine using it very often. Then again, I can't imagine
using Safari often either: Firefox has the add-ons (including
the toolbars Safari disdains) that I need.. I'm staying with the Fox.

The Windows download also offers to install Bonjour for Windowsw, Apple's
Network Discovery thingy. It also brought down iTunes and QuickTime.. I let
them install, but as all I use Windows for is to help me lead folks through
clicks, I'm not likely to use those.

So why no Linux version? (I said "don't ask me", but that doesn't mean
I can't ask you). Apple, Apple, Apple: the Linux folks aren't exactly
your BFF's (Best Friend Forever), but helping them hurts you know who.. so
whatcha thinking? (I know, now I'm asking them.. pay no attention to me).

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We first discovered Hannaford in Western Mass. many years ago. We
loved it immediately: they had the foods we wanted and their
prices were better than the big name stores. We wished
that they had a store near to us.

When we moved down to Middleboro two years ago we were
delighted to find a Hannaford's here. It's a smaller store,
but we find what we want and again the prices are good. We
really like Hannaford.

Ah, but then this big credit card mess: New retail data breach may have affected millions of Hannaford shoppers. That's upsetting, and as
Geeks Are Sexy pointed out the
way Hannaford presented its response might indicate a weak IT department

However, we don't even know if it really was a "data breach". If
Hannaford doesn't have a strong CIO, I certainly don't trust that
the President or VP of Marketing has any real clue as to what
really happened. For all we know, this was an inside job: someone
inside their data center could have passed credit card info out or
arranged an open door. This could easily have been an "invitation"
rather than a breach.

Hannaford's day of shame will pass. They'll hire a CIO or at least
a good outside consultant and they will shore up their defenses. But
what worries me is that there are a lot of "Hannafords" out there:
companies who are large enough to have data worth stealing but small
enough that they may not have good security controls in place. I could
spit out a few dozen names without even thinking hard: you probably
drive by many just like this every day. Small chains, often regional,
competing hard against their national counterparts: how many do you
think have strong IT departments? I'd guess that not many do..
and that worries me, particularly as we slide toward economic hard
times: when the going gets tough, criminals have even more reason
to look for prey, and isn't IT often quite vulnerable to layoffs
and cutbacks? You betcha: the VP of marketing probably sees IT
as mostly fluff anyway.. they don't bring in money, right?

My bet is that we'll see more of this.. unfortunately.

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I wanted to gather some stats on the activity of the
Consultants listings
. It's easy enough to get the raw
activity: each passes through my "conlinkp.pl" script (that
just records a little bit and does a "Location" to send it on
to the real link). So to find out clicks on "conlink.pl", I
can just "grep conlinkp.pl access_log".. well, except these
all aren't clicks. A lot of them are search engine and other 'bots
tracing their way through my pages.

I could easily stop the 'bots from accessing those links,
but I really don't want to as there may be value in their
finding the sites. However, those are not people, so I'd
like to filter those out for reporting.

Well, one way to do that would be to have a list of 'bot ip
addresses, but that's a big, big list and is constantly changing.
A better way is to look at something 'bots don't usually care
about: Javascript. Unfortunately that's not foolproof either.
However, 'bots should look at "robots.txt", so if we filter out
those also, we should have what we want: real users (maybe).

However, that's not really my point here. In the process
of playing with this, I constructed a fairly long command line
and realized that breaking it down could be helpful for those
of you just leaning your way around Unixish shells. To
make it easier to read, I broke it down into one command per
line first:

grep conlinkp.pl logs/access_log
| sed 's/- .*//'
| uniq
| xargs -n 1 -J foo grep foo logs/access_log
| grep ".js HTTP"
| sed 's/- .*//'
| uniq
| xargs -n 1 -J foo grep foo logs/access_log
| grep conlinkp.pl > ~/conlinks.list

Now let's look at that in detail. I'm going to show a few sample
lines from each step of the pipeiine so you can see what actually
happens each step of the way.

grep conlinkp.pl logs/access_log - - [15/Mar/2008:11:38:48 +0000] "GET
/cgi-bin/conlinkp.pl?http://www.cleverminds.net HTTP/1.1" 302 210
"-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [15/Mar/2008:12:49:40 +0000] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 302 205 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows
NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" - - [15/Mar/2008:12:49:41 +0000] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 302 205 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows
NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" - - [15/Mar/2008:12:49:41 +0000] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 302 205 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows
NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" - - [15/Mar/2008:14:06:23 +0000] "GET
/cgi-bin/conlinkp.pl?http://echo3.net HTTP/1.1" 302 205 "-"
"Java/1.6.0_03" - - [15/Mar/2008:14:09:42 +0000] "GET
/cgi-bin/conlinkp.pl?http://echo3.net HTTP/1.1" 302 205 "-"

That's simple enough, right? The "grep" just pulls matching lines
from our web access log. Nothing complicated there. I've shown just six lines from the output, though actually there would be hundreds.

| sed 's/- .*//'

That line calls "sed" to edit out everything after "- " in each line.
The result is still six lines, but we've lost everything but the ip

| sort -u

By running that output through "uniq", we cut away the duplicate ip's.
Again, here we only show four, but the original hundreds of lines would
be down to about 150 in the full output. So what do we have now? Just
a list of ip addresses, each of which had looked at "conlink.pl" at
some point. The next line starts to get interesting.

| xargs -n 1 -J foo grep foo logs/access_log - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:23 +0000] "GET
/Unixart/new_address.html HTTP/1.1" 200 16529 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:23 +0000] "GET /Web/4qsurveys.html
HTTP/1.1" 200 18504 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:24 +0000] "GET
/Web/social_blogging.html HTTP/1.1" 200 30665 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:24 +0000] "GET /cgi-bin/comingsoon.pl
HTTP/1.1" 200 9374 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:25 +0000] "GET
/cgi-bin/indexget.pl?Basics HTTP/1.1" 200 37476 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03" - - [08/Mar/2008:06:22:26 +0000] "GET /cgi-bin/randompage.pl
HTTP/1.1" 200 91 "-" "Java/1.6.0_03"

This line produces a lot of output and is a bit tricky to understand.
What it's doing is finding every match for every ip address the previous
commands have produced. The output is every entry in the log for
every ip that includes an access of "conlink.pl". How does it
manage that from one big list of ip's? Well, there are several
ways I could have done that, but here I used "xargs". Xargs is
normally used to make commands more efficient; for examples
see How can I recursively grep through sub-directories?" and Using xargs. Here, we're using it for a different

The first problem is to limit xargs to invoking grep with only
one argument - normally it wants to use as many as possible. The
"-n 1" tells it to do that. Next, we need to rearrange the command
line a little: if we just used "args -n 1 -J grep logs/access_log"
we'd end up with grep beimng called like this:

grep logs/access_log
grep logs/access_log

and so on, and that won't work. The "-J foo" provides the
magic we need. We can see it at work if we momentarily change our
command to subsitute "echo" for grep; the result would look something
like this: logs/access_log logs/access_log logs/access_log logs/access_log

Another way to see what xargs would do is to use "-p" in the command
line - xargs will echo each invocation and wait for you to confirm
with "y" or "n" before proceeding.

The choice of "foo" is arbitrary; you can use any word at all to
act as a place holder. What happens is the "foo" shows "xargs" where
you want its input to appear in its output: you are controlling the
command line it builds. This gives us what we need.

| grep ".js HTTP"

The next three lines are going to filter this output back to a smaller
set of lines again. We're looking for only those lines that have ".js HTTP".
Let's review: we found the lines that referenced "conlink.pl", we used
the ip addresses from those to find all accesses, and now we're grepping
out only the ".js HTTP" lines. Couldn't we have saved a step here?

Well, yes, but the quoting gets difficult. We want something
like this:

| xargs -n 1 -J foo grep \"foo .*.js HTTP\" logs/access_log

However, if we quote "foo",
xargs loses its interpolation. We end up with

grep "foo .*.js HTTP" logs/access_log

I could solve that by writing a script that reads stdin and
constructs the command line I want, but this isn't about writing
scripts, so we'll live with the inefficiency - after all, if I were really
concerned about how long this takes, I wouldn't be using command line
tools at all. I'd write a Perl script to do the whole task.

The next two lines should be understandable as they do just what we
did before:

| sed 's/- .*//'
| uniq

We're back to a simple list of ip's again, but now it has been
filtered down to only those ip's who accessed "conlink.pl" but
also accessed one or more Javascript programs. Finally we go back
to the logs once more to extract the original lines:

| xargs -n 1 -J foo grep foo logs/access_log
| grep conlinkp.pl > ~/conlinks.list

This is just a repeat of what was done earlier so you should understand
it. If not, use "-p" with xargs to follow along. The end result is
a listing of the actual "conlink.pl" lines where the ip origination had
also accessed a Javascript file.

Now remember: this actually isn't a useful exercise. Some bot's can
and do access Javascript and this pipeline would be very slow and
clumsy to run. The purpose here is just to show how command lines
can be manipulated with xargs, sed and uniq. To actually do
this, I'll use a Perl script like this:

open(I,"logs/access_log") or die "access_log $!";
while (<I>) {
$ip=~ s/- .*//;
$isconlink{$ip}=$_ if /conlinkp.pl/;
$isrobots{$ip}=1 if /robots.txt HTTP/;
$isjavascript{$ip}=1 if /.js HTTP/;
foreach (keys %isconlink) {
next if $isrobots{$_};
# Not in robots..
next if not $isjavascript{$_};
# and did get javascript..
print "$isconlink{$_}\n";

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