Unix and Linux Systems


I recently started using Twitter, but initially couldn't imagine what all the fuss was about.
Apparently there are people using Twitter for different reasons:

Classic, or Whassup?: Way back when (must be like years
and years ago now), Twitter was conceived as a way for friends
and family to keep track of each other. Amazingly enough, some
people still use it for that (though I don't actually know anyone
who does so).

Stat Builder: How many Twitter followers can you have? How
many tweets have you written? Both worthy statistics, and especially
the latter, as anyone who is willing to post every single random thought
can quickly build up high numbers. Attracting followers may seem more
difficult, but in fact most of us will automatically follow back anyone
who follows us, so no, it's not that hard. But if you are also a Tweet
count builder, it gets more tricky, as your constant posting may
annoy your new found followers..

Look at me!: Some use Twitter exclusively to toot their
own horn, twittering each and every one of their blog posts. A lot
of these are really 'bots, but some at least take the trouble to
put a human touch on their advertising.

Look at that!: These folks point out interesting things
they've noticed around the web or comment on news items we've all

Good night, Chet: These Twitterers confine themselves to
saying "Good Morning" when they first get up, and "Good Night" when
they are done for the day.

Whiners:: I hate my job. It's too hot in here. The guy in
the next cubicle smells bad.

Spread the Joy!: I love my job! I love the World! Life is Grand!

Weather Twits: It's raining here. Is it raining there?

Special Interests: Good examples: Tomato Guy and Twittilate (Not safe for work)

Lurkers: Never say anything. They just read. Or maybe they
forget they signed up and aren't really there at all.

Mixed bag: A mixture of all or most of the above.. and
that's probably most of us, right?

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