Unix and Linux Systems


Last week I had someone ask a few questions about Kerio Webmail. Nothing serious, just a new
user a little confused about how to do certain things.
I did get them straightened out, but it took two emails and one
brief phone conversation. I wish I'd known about Skitch then.

By the way, I found out about Skitch from The Big Book of Apple Hacks. There's a lot
of other good stuff in there.

Skitch runs on Mac and lets you capture screen shots, annotate them,
and then drag them where you want them (or store them on the
Skitch.com website). It's a free, time limited beta right now, but
unless the final price is outrageous, I'll definitely be buying this
because it really makes support easier.

Here's the problem: someone asks me how to do something. If it's
a command line task, that's easy. I can either tell them what to type or
if it's really complicated I can send it in email. But when it's
graphical, it's much harder. "Click up by the, umm, well, right next to
where the first column is.. but kind of to the right?"

Yeah, that's helpful. But if I had known about Skitch, I could have created this:

annotated Skitch screenshot

The user wanted to use the "flag this message" function, but was
clicking on the flag at the top of the column rather than where he actually
needed to. Using Sketch would have let me show him exactly where to click.

He also couldn't see how to delete people from a distribution list
he had created. It's pretty simple; a Skitch shot would have
told the story quickly:

annotated Skitch screenshot

The beautiful part about that is how easy Skitch makes it. Click the
little camera in Skitch, surround the area you want, click it, and there it
is in Skitch. Annotate it, shrink it, grow it, and then then just drag it
to where you want it - it's that easy.

Skitch can also import image files, which is how I made this:

annotated Skitch screenshot of Skitch itself

I did a normal Shift-Apple-4 to capture Skitch itself, then had
Skitch open it. I marked it up, sized it, and dragged it to my desktop -
all done!

Skitch can also capture images from your iSight camera:

annotated Skitch screenshot of Skitch itself

OK, maybe that is a little too much annotating. But you get the idea:
Skitch is a great tool for your Mac.

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