Unix and Linux Systems


The first few times I saw this, I thought I was just mistaken..
but it's happened so many times now I know it's not me, this
is really happening: older Firefox pages reappear if I Alt-TAB
away and then return to Firefox.

It's Gmail where I can most easily notice this, so it MAY
have something to do with Ajax, but I THINK I've seen it on
other pages too (confirmed: I just saw it on another page). It's pretty weird: let's say I've opened
up in the morning to twenty unread Gmail messages. I read
and delete 15 of them, then Alt-TAB off to do something else..
but when I come back, the messages I read or deleted show up as though I had never touched them. They really aren't: a "refresh" shows
the correct view instantly, but it's quite confusing.

I know, you probably think I'm nuts - or have two Gmail
windows open. It's definitely not the latter, and I don't think
that taking my wife's appraisal of my mental state is valid. Really: this happens.

It MAY have something to do with Parallels: it seems like it happens more often if I've Alt-TABbed there.. but it's not repeatable - I've not found anyway to demonstrate this consistently.

Anybody else ever seen this? It might have something to do with running the
Firefox 3 Beta too - I'm not sure if this started just after loading that..

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