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  • David Pogue

  • O'Reilly

  • 9780596514129

This book is very simpilar to The Missing Manual: Mac OSX Leopard Edition - much of the directly Mac related content is exactly the same in both books.
However, it's not just a cover change and a few paragraphs artufully
inserted: there is Windows switching information available here that
is NOT in the other book.

I think David and O'Reilly would have been smarter to set out to make
this two really separate books from the start. Certainly both these
books are too big: if you stripped all the Windows stuff out of the first
and stripped all the basic "this is how a Mac works" stuff out of this, you'd
have two volumes of more reasonable size. However, that's not what they
did, so there is a lot of duplication. If you are just a Mac user, you need
the other book, not this. If you are a recent switcher, this is the book
you want.. though you may want the other also as this does not have everything
that has..

This is the book I will give my wife once her XP PC finally dies - I
have high hopes for that: it's been shutting off unexpectedly and
making grinding noises now and then. The minute it does, I'm buying
her a Mac and handing her this book.. that will be a happy day indeed.

She'll enjoy the book, too. David writes well, keeps it interesting and
amusing, and knows how to explain semi-technical subjects well.

"126" height="32" alt="graphic of book cover" /> Order (or just read more about) The Missing Manual: Switching to the Mac  from Amazon.com

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