Unix and Linux Systems


The other day someone called me about removing hard drives previously
added to the kernel configuration.. my mind went blank.

I said that I knew it was "mkdev dot-something" and told him to
look in /usr/lib/mkdev with "lc -a". I was too busy to look
there myself (and didn't have easy access to a SCO box right then anyway)
but told him to look through the "." files in /usr/lib/mkdev to see if something looked
right. I also told him that it could be done manually and quickly referred
him to http://wdb1.sco.com/kb/showta?taid=105052 and hastily said "You need to take the stuff out
of mscsi, remove the device files.."

And I didn't mention space.c and for some reason he didn't read that
article (maybe he wasn't able to get email where he was) so he got
all screwed up.. had to restore parts of /etc/conf from backup.

Here's the thing, folks: my knowledge of SCOish details is fading. My
*interest* in things SCOish is going away even faster. Yes, I can
still help you with most things, but that list of things is slowly
getting smaller because I'm simply forgetting it - it's not
getting used often enough, so it's going away.

It is time to get off SCO. Way past time. Think about it.

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