Unix and Linux Systems



mkdev tape - recompiling kernel error

On an hp Netserver Lc3 server (SCO 5.0.5) I'm trying to reconfigure the backup device using "mkdev tape" but at the end of the wizard I'm returned the following "recompiling kernel error"

"You must create a new kernel to effect the driver change you specified.
Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n) y

The UNIX Operating System will now be rebuilt.
This will take a few minutes. Please wait.

Root for this system build is /
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
eisa_read_slot /var/opt/K/SCO/link/1.1.1Eb/etc/conf/pack.d/arad/Driver.o
i386ld fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to unix
ERROR: Can not link-edit unix
idbuild: idmkunix had errors.
System build failed.
Error: Kernel link failed."

Could you help me please how to exceed this error?

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